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To start up the Btrieve server on a workstation, choose the Btrieve Server option from the Adelia Runtime subfolder in the Adelia Studio folder. It can also be accessed via the application launcher provided with the runtime, or via the list of shortcuts associated with the Adelia icons in the task bar.

The Btrieve server can also be started by calling the BTRVSVR.EXE program located in the Adelia installation directory.


This dialog box indicates that the Btrieve server is active. We recommend that you minimize this dialog box while working (using the icon).




This button closes the Btrieve server.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


Note: Running the Btrieve server automatically uploads the "Btrieve Microkernel Database Engine" which should already be installed.

Also, when the Btrieve server is closed (by clicking the Quit button), the "Btrieve Microkernel Database Engine" is automatically shut down if it is not used by another program.


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