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To open this page, click the Storage tab in the Multisource search window.

This page displays the combined results from the Result 1 and/or Result 2 pages.

Whenever results are combined, any new items are added to the list, which is then automatically sorted in alphabetical order by name.

The list contains no duplicates.

Important: All the items displayed on this page are saved by software engineer when the Multisource search is closed, and are redisplayed the next time it is opened.

The Result 1 and Result 2 pages, on the other hand, are always reset before each new search operation. The details shown on these pages are lost when the multisource search is closed.


Stored object list

This list contains the set of objects obtained by totalizing the search results from the Result 1 and/or Result 2 pages. It contains the following details:


Object name.


Description of the object.


Object type.


This column is only created if the current environment is a correction environment. It contains the name of the correction holding the object. The user can immediately see whether the object is being held by the default correction, by comparing the name in the Correction column with the default correction name shown in the title bar.

This column will be blank if the object is not held in a correction.

Extended-selection list.

Note: You can change the order in which the list is displayed by clicking on a column heading. Click once to sort the items in ascending order; click again to sort them in descending order.

Context-sensitive menus


This option opens the Information dialog box for each selected object.

Open source

This option opens an object's source, irrespective of the application area to which it is attached.


- An error message will be returned if the software engineer does not have the necessary authorities for the application area to which the object is attached.

- If the software engineer only has authorities for one application area, the object will be opened in that application area.

- If the software engineer has authorities for several application areas including the current one, the object will be opened in the current application area.

- If the software engineer has authorities for several application areas but not the current application area, the system will display an application area list, letting him select the application area in which the object is opened.

Individual comparison

This option opens the Individual comparison dialog box for each selected object.
This dialog box is used to compare the selected object's source with the source of another object (from either the same or a different environment).

Global comparison

This option opens the Global comparison dialog box, which is used to run a comparison of the sources of a list of objects between the current environment and another.
The list of objects to be compared is initialized with the selected objects.

Replace occurrences

This option opens a dialog box that lets you replace one string with another in all the selected sources.

Submit generation

This submenu is only available with program or class objects.

A distinction is made between Adelia programs and Visual Adelia programs.

This option opens a program or class generation setup dialog box.

Note: With ADELIA programs, a generation type selection box opens if both the possible generation types ("AS/400" and "Windows") are checked in the Environment attributes. If only one 3GL generation type is checked, the Generate with parameters option opens the relevant generation setup box directly.

Generate without parameters

Submits the selected programs or classes for generation immediately.

Note: When you generate programs, either with or without parameters, a report is automatically displayed in a dialog box. This report shows the name and object type generated, the operation performed and the result.

Modify version

This option opens a dialog box that lets you modify the version of the selected programs.


This submenu lets you hold the selected objects for correction.

It is only available if the current environment is a correction environment.

In the default correction

This option lets you add an object to the default correction.

It opens a dialog box requesting confirmation before holding the selected object.

This option is only active if the user has defined a default correction.

In another correction

This option lets you add an object to a correction other than the default correction.

It opens a selection box showing all the corrections available to the user.

Add to sending

This option lets you add the selected object to a sending. It opens a selection box showing the existing sendings.


    • Objects can only be added to *NONE type sendings (therefore the system will only shows the user the *NONE type sendings).
    • If the added object is not attached to any of the application areas involved in the sending, the user will have to select an application area to which the object is attached (this application area will then be added to the sending definition).

Add to installation

This option lets you add an object to an installation.

It opens a selection box showing the existing installations.

This option is only active with Visual Adelia program objects (VA_I, VA_B and SA_B) and classes.

App. areas

This option opens a dialog box displaying the application areas to which the object is attached.


This option lets you remove an object selected in the list of stored objects.



This button lets you erase the entire contents of the list.


This button opens a system dialog box that lets you specify the path and name of a file in which the items on the Storage page will be saved.

This file will be saved in ASCII format, making it easy to use in other applications.


This button prints all the items on the Storage page.

Important: All the results on the page are sent to the printer. As such you should check the size of the results returned before printing.

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