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This menu offers all the zoom options available on the work space:

  • zoom in,

  • zoom out,

  • panoramic,

  • standard scale.

It also offers the Display/Hide the conditions and Display/Hide the descriptions options for choosing whether to display the conditions of links and the descriptions of transactions.


Zoom in/Zoom out

These options are used to zoom one step forwards/backwards with respect to the upper left-hand corner of the screen. Thus, the apparent size of objects is maximized/minimized. The graph can be viewed globally, objects can be handled with a greater accuracy and links traced more precisely.

When the highest/lowest zoom level has been reached, the corresponding option is dimmed.

These zooms can also be performed from the tool palette.


Standard scale

This option restores the standard view of objects, i.e. the initial zoom level of the graph. This operation is performed with respect to the upper left-hand corner of the screen.

This option cannot be activated when the current scale is already the standard scale.



This option zooms out until all the width or all the height of the work space is visible on the screen. The resulting view corresponds to the minimum zoom level of the design. It also gives a more global view of the graph. This operation is performed with respect to the upper left-hand corner of the screen.

This option cannot be activated when the current scale is already set to panoramic.


Display/Hide the conditions

The conditions of links between SSG objects are made visible or invisible on the screen, depending on whether these conditions are currently invisible or visible.


Display/Hide the descriptions

The descriptions of SSG objects are made visible or invisible on the screen, depending on whether these descriptions are currently invisible or visible.


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