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A list is a control that acts as a holder into which the user places COLUMN objects during the design phase. The user selects a COLUMN object in the Visual Adelia editor's palette and clicks on the appropriate list.

A list row is defined as the set of cells for a given rank in each COLUMN object. During execution, Adelia language list management instructions can be used to manage the list's contents via the object's LIST property.

Palette iconLayout managerWindowsCloud


num_bin_4 cpt


cpt = 0

clear_lst combo_box:list

do_while cpt < 20
   combo_box:current_value = 'value ' // &alpha_num(cpt) /// '>'
   insert_elt alue_list:list
   cpt = cpt + 1


combo_box: = '<value 5>'

cpt = 0

clear_lst combo_box_2:list

do_while cpt < 20

   combo_box_2:value = '<v cb1:1 ' // &alpha_num(cpt) /// '>'
   id_cb_col_2:value = '<v cb2:1 ' // &alpha_num(cpt) /// '>'
   insert_elt combo_box_2:list
   cpt = cpt + 1


combo_box_2: = '<v cb2:1 5>'

There are two possible selection modes for the LIST object:

  •  Per-row selection, which lets you simultaneously select all the cells on one or more specified ranks,
  •  Per-cell selection, which lets you only select one cell at a time (known as the active cell).

Note: In per-cell selection mode, if certain columns are set as read-only, pressing the Tab key ( or conversely, Shift + Tab) moves the cursor from one modifiable cell to the next modifiable cell (or conversely, to the previous cell), skipping any read-only cells.
Similarly, when you click on a read-only cell, the nearest modifiable cell becomes the new active cell. More specifically, if the current active cell is before (or conversely, after) the clicked cell, the new active cell will be the following (or conversely, previous) modifiable cell.

This object can also be used to drag and drop data between two graphical lists, in either the same program or different programs, or between a list and another Visual object that supports drag and drop.

The list can act as the data source for a drag and drop operation if the DD_BeginDrag event is supported by the Visual Adelia program. The list's cursor changes as it moves over an area that would trigger this event if the user clicks the mouse button.

If the list is configured in single-selection mode, this area will be the selected line.

If the list is configured in multiple-selection mode, this area will be the border extending to the last selected line, or the selected line itself if there is only one.

If the list is configured in cell selection mode, this area will be the active cell (indicated by a thick border). If the cell is in input mode, the DD_BeginDrag event is not triggered.

The list can be the destination of a drag and drop operation if the DD_DROP_ALLOWED property is set to *TRUE.

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