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A spin button consists of two rectangular control buttons:

  • one control named "Up",

  • one control named "Down".

Each control triggers an action when the user clicks on it.

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No method is associated with the object.

Palette iconLayout managerWindowsCloud

Simple button: 

Button associated with an entry field: 

A graphical object can be attached to a spin button (provided both objects are of the same Adelia type). In this case, the value of the attached object can be altered by acting on the spin button (increasing its value by clicking on the "Up" control, or decreasing the value by clicking on the "Down" control).

Example: Increase the value with a click on the "Up" control or decrease the value by clicking on the "Down" control.

In normal use, the spin button is attached to an entry field object. Click here for the detailed procedure.

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