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To copy a report, click the Copy button in on of the dialog boxes:


Data entry


Report name.

This name must be unique among the report names in the environment.

Length: 15 characters maximum.

Mandatory entry.



Description clearly identifying the report.

Length: 50 characters maximum.

Mandatory entry.


Layout code

The code for the current report is always the program's layout code. If the report in question is not the current report, the code MUST be different from the program's layout code.

Length: 6 characters maximum.

Mandatory entry.



Copy (validation)

This button validates the dialog box.

The various details in the box are checked. If all are valid, a new report is created, based on the source report and the data entered; if not, an error message is displayed. The new report is attached to the application area and assigned exclusively to the program used in the copy procedure.



Closes the dialog box without copying the report.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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