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The Translation manager's Merge option lets you combine constants that have the same text and type, so that they can all be translated at once. This is the opposite of the Split option.


To merge a constant with other constants having the same text and type:

  1. Select the constant in the Details or Translations tab of the Translation manager.
  2. Select the Merge option from the context-sensitive menu.

Displayed data


Text of the constant to be merged.


Constant source

Source of the constants having the same text and type as the one to be merged. This list is set out in three columns:


This box is checked in the event of a group of constants that have already been merged.

The box is unchecked with single constants (not already part of a merge).


Name of the program to which the constant with the same text and type belongs.

Note: In the case of a constant group, only one of the relevant programs will be displayed.


Additional information about the window or transaction in which the constant with the same text and type appears.

Select the constant with the same text and type to be merged with the constant selected in the Details tab.



Validates your selections and closes the dialog box.

This button is only active if one of the constants having the same text and type has been selected in the list.


Closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

Note: The constant selected in the Merge dialog box will disappear from the Details and Translations tabs. The references of the merged constant will also be displayed in the analysis dialog box of the original constant.

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