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This option holds the selected jobs.


This option releases the selected jobs (those that had been held).


This option opens a submenu that lets you modify the priority of the selected jobs.
The priority can be set as follows:


The job has the lowest priority setting (it will be processed last).


The job a normal priority setting.


The job has the highest priority setting (it will be processed first).

Slow print

The print job has a low priority setting.

Fast print

The print job has a high priority setting.


This option opens a dialog box displaying the properties of the selected job.
This option will be shaded if more than one job is selected.


This option opens a submenu allowing jobs to be deleted according to different criteria based on the job status.

The following options are available:

Selected jobs

Deletes the selected jobs. Keyboard shortcut: Del.

All jobs Deletes all jobs.
Pending jobs Deletes pending jobs.
Suspended jobs Deletes suspended jobs.
Processed jobs Deletes jobs completed normally
Failed jobs Deletes completed jobs with errors.
Jobs with warnings Deletes jobs completed with warnings.

Hold the queue

This option holds the submitted job queue. No further jobs will be processed.

Release the queue

This option releases the submitted job queue. Processing of the submitted jobs will be resumed.

Refresh the queue

This option instantly updates the submitted job queue.

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