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This type of documentation requires a good knowledge of the UIM (User Interface Management) product and of the resulting language; see the corresponding IBM manual for more details.


Indeed, the entry of help texts as a Panel Group is performed outside of Adelia. The recommended solution just allows for attaching this type of document to Adelia layouts or data.


For each interactive layout, a general help can be associated with all the screen images which constitute it; a field-level help can also be associated for all data described on these layouts.


Documentation for report layouts is created with the Document editor.


During execution

The cursor location in the screen image determines the help to be displayed.

If no help was specified for a field, the general layout level help will be displayed.


When printing the user folder

All screen images and output reports are printed.


Advantages of this approach

Field-level help can be attached to every layout field.

Use of the UIM capabilities (window-type display, search index, etc.).


Possible disadvantages

No help at individual transaction level, but general help on the layout.

Limited user documentation.

Entry and updating of documents are performed outside of Adelia.



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