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This approach lets you define documentation by transaction (screen image), by output document (report layout) or by data item in the data dictionary.

When a program is compiled, the user documentation entered in the transaction layout designer is copied to the file specified in the environment's attributes (public programs) or in the application area's logic (private programs).

Special functions allow you to control page breaks or display attributes.


During execution

The help displayed by pressing the HELP key is the one of your screen image, whatever the cursor position.


Click here for more information about implementation on an AS/400.


When printing the user folder

All screen images and output reports are printed, together with their associated help text.


Advantages of this approach

The documentation can be modified at any time, even while executing (this feature can be blocked by setting an option in the user environment description).

Few resources are necessary for this method.


Possible disavantadges

No field-level help is available at layout level, but help can be created with the softkey process instructions.

Ways of presenting the text (margins, justification, etc.) are limited.



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