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This sheet shows all the interfaces defined in the ActiveX on the first level of the tree. The main interface is shown at the top of the list. This interface contains the methods and any VARIANT properties managed as methods, which in turn allow the object itself to be managed.

The properties and methods of the other interfaces, which are used to manage any secondary concepts used by the object, are represented as methods, with an IDispatch interface pointer as their first parameter.


For each secondary interface, the user can define a prefix for forming the Adelia name of the methods associated with the interface.


You can change each method's Adelia name and Help. However, the Adelia name must begin with a letter and be unique among all methods including those defined on the events page.

You can also change the parameter types. If a parameter is not a compatible type, the method will not be included in the generated graphical object.


When an interface, method or parameter has been selected, you can use the context-sensitive menu to display its default values, or the values stored in the information file if one exists.

Menu options applied to interfaces or methods do not affect the methods and parameters that they contain.


You can use the tool bar to partly or fully expand or collapse the tree. The tool bar can show all the methods, just those managed in the generated graphical object, or only those that will not be managed. The toolbar also lets you set the prefixes used when forming method names.


For ActiveX controls visible on execution, the integrator creates predefined methods in relation to the Drag and Drop.


Click here for further details about:

Predefined methods

The "Drag and Drop" Principle



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