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The VaToCom DLL requires the installation of Windows Script Control (WHS), Microsoft Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript) and of the ActiveX msscript.ocx.

WSH is a subset of Windows that hosts scripts. WSH enables you to use various types of scripts, such as VBScript, in order to perform various automated tasks by using script files.

WSH and VBScript are included as standard in Windows 98, 98SE, ME, 2000 and XP, and can therefore be used directly.

With Windows 95 and NT4 they must be installed first, using the ste51en.exe file, which is available from To search for the file, just enter the keywords "Windows Script 5.1." The file is also available on the Adelia Studio installation CD-ROM, in the Script Control directory.


To ensure correct operation, Windows 95 users must have installed the OSR2 version of Windows 95, or Internet Explorer version 4.0 or higher. Windows 95 users not equipped with either Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or OSR2 will need to install DCOM before using this type of file. DCOM components can be downloaded free of charge from Microsoft's website. They can also be found on the Adelia Studio installation CD-ROM, in the DCOM95 directory.

To use script files, Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 users must have installed Internet Explorer 3.02 or 4.0 (or higher).


The msscript.ocx ActiveX control must be registered in Windows. Although registration is automatic with Windows 98, 98SE, ME, 2000 and XP, on Windows 95 and NT4 systems you need to run the update file sct10en.exe which is available to download from, by entering the keywords Windows Script Control. The file is also available on the Adelia Studio installation CD-ROM, in the Script Control directory.


Some scripts use WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation), which provides data on various aspects of the operating system (e.g. hardware, including the BIOS, disks, memory, accounts, networks, etc.).

WMI is installed as standard with Windows ME, Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

With Windows 95/98/98SE and Windows NT4, WMI must be installed separately, by downloading a self-extracting file available free of charge from Microsoft's website.


With Lotus Notes, the COM interface is supported on client machines running the Notes client Release 5.0.2b or higher.

The directory containing the Notes client's program must be specified in the system's PATH variable. To access the relevant objects, the directory containing the files NLSXBE.DLL and NNOTES.DLL must also be included in the system's PATH variable.



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