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An SRVPGM task lets you compile a service program on the AS/400.

It also makes it possible to use the AS/400's IBM APIs defined as service programs.


To create a service program, an IBM name must be filled in. The service program created will be linked via the set of modules created by generating the programs assigned to the task.

Generation of Adelia programs assigned to a service task creates one module only.


When the SRVPGM task has a prototype, the programs assigned to the task can have the following characteristics, if they are not Adelia programs:

  • the IBM name can consist of up to 80 characters,
  • possibility of defining a result parameter.

However, it will not be possible to generate the task.

For example, this makes it possible to call certain IBM APIs of the AS/400 containing functions whose name can be up to 80 characters long and/or returning a result file.

Programs that are part of these tasks can only be called from ADELIA programs generated in RPG.

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