(I/B) (C) |
(B) (S) |
Section for use
WORK_WITH_EVENTS, INIT_PGM or All (with window name)
Window |
→ |
WindowName | None |
In batch programs
This instruction terminates the program. No window name is specified.
In interactive programs
This instruction closes a window. You can use it to close the current or another window.
To close the current window you should not enter a window name, and any subsequent instructions will not be executed.
To close a specific window, you must specify its name (WindowName). The window will be closed and any subsequent instructions will be executed.
When this instruction is used with no window name in the INIT_PGM paragraph, any subsequent instructions are not processed.
If no windows are currently running, the program terminates immediately. On the contrary, a program that executes a window will only terminate if its own windows and any other windows that are executed modally or otherwise (by the program itself or by other programs in the same process) after its window is executed have been closed.
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