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During the layout design phase, the Excel Client object is represented by a bitmap image in the window. This object is not visible when running.
Note: The following section explains a number of essential notions concerning Microsoft Excel.
However, we strongly recommend studying the use of Microsoft Excel by reading books on the subject or by consulting the Visual Basic Editor online documentation, which can be accessed using the Macro option in Microsoft Excel's Tools menu, then activating the Object Explorer option in the Display menu and selecting Excel from the library list.
Summary of certain Microsoft Excel notions
A workbook is a series of Worksheets and Charts; Charts are not handled by the Excel Client object. Worksheets contain cells; a set of cells is called a Range.
Cells can be referenced using styles of the form A1 (e.g. B29), or styles of the form R1C1 (e.g. R29C2).
Cells can contain calculation formulae , which are calculations combining simple operations, predefined functions and cell ranges. The references of the cells used in a formula can be absolute, relative or mixed.
An absolute reference identifies a cell on the basis of its fixed position in the worksheet. The absolute reference of the cell located on the 29th row, in the second column is $B$29, as expressed in the A1 referencing style, or R29C2 using the R1C1 scheme.
A range is a set of cells, which can consist of individual cells, rows, columns or rectangular areas, such as for example: A:6;2:4;F7 or G8:DE3 or $B$7.
A relative reference identifies a cell on the basis of its position relative to the cell containing the formula. The relative reference of the cell located on the 29th row, in the second column, will be expressed as B29 using the A1 referencing style and R[-2]C[3] using the R1C1 scheme, in a formula in cell E27.
A mixed reference takes the form $B29 or B$29 using the A1 referencing style, and R27C(3) or R(-2)C5 using the R1C1 scheme.
External references contain the name of the workbook and worksheet, in addition to the position: [Balance1998.xls]Sales balance !$B$29
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