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Some actions performed by the user in Microsoft Word correspond to events detected by the Word Client. These events may have parameters, which are presented to the user in the form of properties.
During the layout design phase, the Word Client is represented by a bitmap picture in the window. This object is not visible when it is run.
Note: We intend to explain a few basic notions concerning Microsoft Word.
However, we strongly recommend studying the use of Microsoft Word by consulting the Visual Basic Editor online documentation, which can be accessed using the Macro option in Microsoft Word's Tools menu. Then use the Object Explorer in the Display menu and select Word from the library list.
Summary of a few Microsoft Word notions
A document may be made up of several sections.
The notion of a table refers to a traditional table comprising a number of Cells organized in Rows and Columns.
A cell can be referenced using an address in the format A1 (example: B29). A cell can contain a calculation expression, which is a calculation combining simple operations, predefined functions and cell references.
A document story is a distinct area in the document (body, headers, footers, endnotes, footnotes, notes and text zones). The stories managed by the Word Client object are the main text (document body) and the various types of header and footer (main page, front page and even page headers and footers).
A range is a portion of a document story marked out by a start and an end, which can be set precisely. The range is the key notion in using the Word Client object, which contains an internal range type variable. The principle involves defining the document story in which you want to work, then setting the range, so that it contains the portion of the document that you want to modify, thus letting you perform an action on that section. Note that certain methods modify the range, i.e. alter the work area.
Note: Before you can work on a range, you must first set it using the DOC_GO_TO or RNG_SET_STORY methods.
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