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Note: to use the Java debugger, it is essential that you have a JDK 1.4.2 or higher, and that you have referenced the "tools.jar" file of the JDK in your CLASSPATH. It is also recommended that you use the same Java installation to start up the Adelia MT daemon and the Adelia daemon associated with the debugger.


To start up the Java Middleware with support for the debugger, run the following java command:

-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=3503 -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Dadelia.debuggingsupport -Dadelia.jdiport=3503 com.hardis.middleware.MwServer 3500 MT.


The extra options are as follows:


-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=3503  -Xdebug  -Xnoagent  -Djava.compiler=NONE

Activation of native java support for the debugger (JDI). The Java VM is configured to authorize a debugger to connect to port 3503 (if this port is available). Only the TCP/IP connector is supported.
These parameters are compulsory.



Activation of support for the debugger in Adelia Runtime.
This parameter is compulsory.



Automatic start up of the MT server specific to the debugger (on port 3502 in this case). The value for the setting is the number of the connection port selected for the native Java debugger (see option Xrunjdwp).
This parameter is optional: if it is specified, the daemon associated with the debugger will start automatically, otherwise you will have to start it manually.


Manual start up of the debugger VM

The Visual Adelia debugger uses a specific MT daemon run on the n + 2 port (3502) to run the service programs relating to the debugger.

If the "-Dadelia.jdiport" parameter has not been specified during start up of the daemon, or if the daemon on port n + 2 has been deliberately stopped, you must restart it manually using the java command -Dadelia.jdiport=3503 com.hardis.middleware.MwServer 3502 MT, before you can debug a program.


The constraints are as follows:

  • The debugger daemon must be located on the same machine as the daemon to be debugged.
  • The debugger daemon must be started on port "n + 2", where "n" is the port of the debugged daemon.
  • It is necessary that the debugged daemon was run with support for the native java debugger on the port specified by the "-Dadelia.jdiport" parameter.


Use of ports by the debugger

By default n = 3500, the MT daemon port.


Adelia MT daemon with debugging support.

n + 1

MWBOOT process.

n + 2

Specific MT daemon for the debugger. This value cannot be modified.

n + 3

Connection port to the Java debugger. n + 3 by default, but any different value may be chosen.


The ports n to n+ 2 should be open on the firewall. The Java connection port is only used locally on the server.


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