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First possibility

The management rule source is generated directly in the program source, and the substitutions are made.

Second possibility

The reference of each management rule required is generated in the program source via the INSERT_MR instruction.

For CA, IP, VP, CT, PR and SK-class rules:

INSERT_MR <rule name> <screen field name>

For IE and VE-class rules:

INSERT_MR <rule name> <view name>

or INSERT_MR <rule name> <entity name>

For management rules associated with programs:

INSERT_MR <rule name>

Note: Modifications are taken into account:

- for the addition of management rules: by generating level 2 and compiling the corresponding programs;

- for management rule source modification: by compiling the corresponding programs.

Third possibility

The global reference to management rules is generated by class, in the program source, via the INSERT_MR instruction.

For CA, IP, VP, CT, PR and SK-class rules:

INSERT_MR *<class> <graphical object name>

For IE and VE-class rules:

INSERT_MR *<class> <view name>

or INSERT_MR <rule name> <entity name>

For management rules associated with programs:

INSERT_MR *<rule name>

Note: The addition of management rules or the modification of a management rule source is taken into account by compiling the corresponding programs.

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