This menu is used to save and to verify the current model.
It also contains all the printing options:
printer setup,
Finally, it is used to quit the application.
This option opens an empty page in which a new graph can be defined.
This option selects the graph to be opened among the graphs of the current application area.
This option saves the design of the current graph in the database.
Save as
This option is used to identify a new graph. The design will be saved under the name specified here.
This option deletes the graph but does not delete the associated Adelia objects (entities, relationships).
General characteristics
This option is used to change a graph's name and description.
This option opens a dialog box that lets you hold the graph in the default correction.
This option will only be visible in a correction environment. It will only be active if a graph has been opened, and if the user has a default correction.
This option updates the graph so that it is consistent with the objects stored in the database.
Example: All the entities which are not attached to the application area or which have been deleted in another graph will no longer be represented in the design after this option is run.
Verify the model
This option checks the consistency of the CDM of the current application area, and displays the resulting diagnosis in a list. This result can later be printed or saved.
During the verification, the accesses to the database for read operations are numerous. If one of them fails, a message box asks the user if he wants to proceed with the verification. The diagnosis may then be inaccurate or incomplete.
Printer setup
This option opens a Windows system dialog box which is used to select and configure the printer.
This option prints the current graph. First, a window for specifying the printing parameters is displayed. The printed pages correspond to the pages displayed on the screen by means of the Display the pages option.
The printing job is submitted to the Job manager.
The printer can be configured by means of the Printer setup option.
This option closes the CDM application. If modifications were made on the current graph, a message asks whether they must be saved. This message only regards the graphical aspect (representation of objects and work space). Any "conceptual" (conceptual = Adelia) objects are saved in the database each time they are created or modified.
Keyboard shortcut: Alt+F4.
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