Crystal Reports® is a registered trademark of Business Objects, Inc.
The application Crystal Reports® is used to design the layouts for reports of Crystal Reports kind. This is an independent application that cannot communicate directly with Adelia Studio.
Important: Reports of Crystal Reports kind can only be assigned to VADELIA or WADELIA batch programs.
A number of details (data fields, work fields, etc) described in Adelia Studio can, however, be retrieved in order to place them in Crystal Reports reports.
Formatted text files are used to make this data accessible to Crystal Reports®. All these files carry the "ttx" file extension and by convention are stored in the directory whose name is made up of the value defined in the TEMP system variable (maximum length 248 characters), the name of the current Adelia environment and the template code of the program currently being edited.
Click here for further details on "ttx" files.
All the Adelia types that can be used with logical properties are supported by Crystal Reports®, except the TIMESTAMP type, which is converted to DATE/TIME (no thousandths of a second).
Click here to see the table of type equivalencies between Adelia and Crystal Reports.
To access the Crystal Reports Designer, click the Designer button in the Modify report XXX dialog box in the 4GL Editor.
Important: Refer to the Crystal Reports® User Guide for details of all features specific to Crystal Reports® (control break definition, totaling, special fields, equations, etc.).
To use Crystal Reports 2008 you must first enter the RegNetCRpt command.
To run applications generated with reports designed with Crystal Reports 2008, please see topic Special features of the Crystal Reports runtime (version 2008 and higher).
You can insert fields into a Crystal Reports report:
- Inserting Fields in Crystal Reports Reports
- Inserting *USER and *PGM Fields into a Crystal Reports Report
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