This menu lets you work with the corrections in the environment.
Note: The options in this menu are also available via the context-sensitive menu of the correction manager window (except the and options).
This option opens a dialog box that lets you create a new correction.
It is only active when the current environment is a correction environment.
This option opens a dialog box that lets you display or modify the general characteristics of the selected correction.
It is only active when one or more corrections have been selected from the list.
Shortcut: double click.
This option opens a dialog box requesting confirmation before effectively deleting the selected corrections.
Once validated, the correction list is updated.
Only corrections with no assigned objects can be deleted.
This option is only active when one or more corrections have been selected from the list.
Keyboard shortcut: Del.
Default correction
This option lets you change a correction to the default correction.
Only software engineers authorized to modify the correction can set it as the default correction.
This option is only active when the current environment is a correction environment, and if only one correction is selected in the list.
Reminder: The default correction is the one proposed when an object is held for correction.
Set "To be validated"
This option lets you change the status of the selected correction from "Available" to "To be validated". The correction is then ready to be validated.
Only software engineers authorized to modify the correction can set it to "To be validated" status.
This option is only active when one or more corrections are selected in the list, and the current environment is a correction environment.
Cancel "To be validated"
This option lets you change the status of the selected correction from "To be validated" to "Available". This can be useful if you notice that a correction has not been totally finalized.
Only software engineers authorized to modify the correction can cancel "To be validated" status.
This option is only active when one or more corrections are selected in the list, and the current environment is a correction environment.
This option opens a dialog box requesting confirmation before effectively validating the selected corrections.
Only software engineers with the *VAL_COR authority can validate corrections.
This option is only active when one or more corrections set to "To be validated" or "Validated" status are selected in the list, and the current environment is a correction environment.
Note: A correction can be validated more than once.
This option lets you change the status of the selected correction from "Validated" to "Archived".
The correction cannot be validated again.
Only software engineers of the version manager can archive corrections.
Delete reports
This option lets you delete the validation reports of archived corrections.
Only software engineers of the version manager can delete the validation reports.
The correction's status in the list changes to "Arch. without report".
Change owner
This option lets you change the owner of any corrections with the "In progress" status that are selected in the list.
Correction owners can only be changed by the current correction owner or the environment's administrator.
Once a user has created an exclusive correction and held objects in it for correction, this option can be used to assign the correction to the software engineer who is to make the necessary changes.
This option prints the selected corrections.
It is active when one or more corrections have been selected from the list.
The print job is submitted to the Job manager.
Print the list
This option prints a list of the environment's corrections.
The same details are printed as shown in the list.
This option lets you save the environment's correction list, according to the user's preference:
- either in a text file (separator: tab),
- or in an Excel .csv file (separator: comma).
This option exits the correction manager.
The window's position and dimensions, and the status of the corrections to be displayed are memorized until the next time the correction manager is opened.
Keyboard shortcut: Alt+F4.
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