The correction validation dialog box opens when you validate the Confirm the correction validation dialog box that appears when you select the Validate option from the context-sensitive menu in the correction manager.
List of corrections you want to validate (or revalidate). The following details are shown for each correction:
- correction name,
- description.
The list is initialized using the corrections selected in the confirm the correction validation dialog box.
Any corrections already validated will have a check mark to the left of their name. Double-clicking on one of these corrections opens a dialog box that lets you consult its validation log.
List of all the environments that can be involved in the correction validation process, i.e. the version manager's production environment and the development environments (if any), and any correction environments associated with the version manager. The following details are shown for each environment: the environment name and the name of the validation correction process in the case of an associated correction environment.
The check box to the left of the environment name lets you specify whether or not the environment is to be included in the correction validation process.
By default, a production environment will be checked (shaded check mark) if one or more of its corrections has never been validated (i.e. the correction is not shown with a check mark in the correction list). In this case, the environment cannot be "unchecked".
When an associated correction environment is checked for the first time, a dialog box opens automatically, letting you enter a correction name. This name will be displayed in the list's Correction column. This correction will receive all the objects for the correction validation process in the associated correction environment.
Single-selection list, managed by a context-sensitive menu.
Note: The presence of associated correction environments in this list is determined by an administrator of the version manager (with the *ADM_VER_MAN authority) using the Type tab in the production environment's attributes.
List showing all the catalogued buffers on the machine.
This list is only available if the Execute a sending box is checked.
Check boxes
Execute a sending
Checked |
When the dialog box is validated, a sending containing the objects assigned to the corrections will be executed with the data sent to the selected buffer. |
This option lets you use the objects received from the buffer to update the corrected objects in an environment not available for the validation process. |
Context-sensitive menus
Environment list
Select all
This option checks all the environments in the list.
Deselect all
This option unchecks all the environments in the list, except the production environment if it has a shaded box.
This option opens a dialog box that lets you change the name of the validation correction process in the selected environment.
It is only active when the selected environment is an associated correction environment; the associated correction environment must also be checked.
This button runs the correction validation process for the selected environments, and executes the sending to the selected buffer if the Execute a sending box is checked. The system then closes the dialog box.
This button closes the dialog box without running the correction validation process.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
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