To enter a correction name, you must either:
Select the Change correction option from the context-sensitive menu of the Correction validation dialog box.
Click the Change validation correction button in the environment analysis dialog box in the case of an associated correction environment.
The correction name input box opens automatically the first time an associated correction environment is checked in the Correction validation dialog box.
Data entry
Enter a validation correction name in this field.
This name will be verified during the validation analysis:
either it represents an existing "Available" correction in the environment receiving the validation;
or else it does not represent a correction, in which case, it will be used to create the validation correction .
Opens a dialog box that lets you select one of the "Available" corrections in the environment receiving the validation.
Enter (validation)
Validates the name entered and closes the dialog box.
This button closes the dialog box without validating the data entered.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
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