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The second overall correction validation analysis window shows the results of analyzing the corrections to be validated in a specified environment.

The title of this window states the relevant environment name, and also mentions the validation correction name in the case of an associated correction environment.


This window is opened for the first environment involved in the validation process. If the production environment is involved in the validation process, it takes priority.

An identical window is then shown for each environment involved in the validation process.


The environment analysis is set out on one to four pages, according to circumstances:

To display any of these pages, just click the relevant tab.


The buttons described below are valid for the whole window, whichever tab is active.



Change validation correction

This button opens a dialog box that lets you change the name of the validation correction shown in the dialog box's title bar.

If the name of the validation correction is changed, a new analysis of the validation is run for the environment. The results of this new analysis are displayed.

This button is only displayed if the current environment is an associated correction environment.



This button reruns the validation analysis for the current environment. A second analysis proves useful after making modifications in the validation environment, in order to solve any problems that may have generated objects to be confirmed, deletions to be confirmed, excluded objects or impossible deletions.

The results of the new analysis are redisplayed.



Opens a window displaying the summary of the correction validation analysis for the validation environment .



This button returns you to either:


This button opens either:


This button closes the dialog box without running the correction validation process.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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