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To open this page, click the Other files tab in the file management window of the Installation program creation wizard.




List of all the files to be included in the installation, other than those deduced from programs.

The columns show:

    • The name of an AS/400 object, or the source path of the Windows file in the case of an AS/400 variant.
    • The file's source path in the case of a Windows, Java or Mobile variant.
    • The sub-tree if the variant type is Windows, Java or Mobile: a sub-directory created during the install procedure, to which the concerned objects are copied.
    • The library name (for an AS/400 object).
    • The object type in the case of an AS/400 variant (*PGM, *FILE, etc. for an AS/400 object, WINDOWS for a windows file).


Extended-selection list.


Note: By default, the subtree is empty because files are copied into the installation directory root.

For an AS/400 variant, either AS/400 objects or Windows files can be included. The former are installed to the destination library. The Windows files are expanded to the machine's temporary directory, then deleted at the end of the install procedure. This is of use if the user has defined a DB script in his/her variant. It must this include the script files (files with a '.DAT' or '.GEN' extension) required to run the database creation tool (DBTOOL).


Context-sensitive menus

Add files

This option opens a Windows system dialog box that lets you select one or more files.

If the variant is of the AS/400 type, they are installed to the machine's temporary directory during installation.

For other types of variants, the files are added to the future install program.


Add the files from an installation

This option opens a dialog box displaying all the environment installation variants of the same type as the current variant.

This automatically assigns all the files belonging to one or more variants to the current variant.



Add AS/400 objects

This option opens a Windows system dialog box that lets you select one or more AS/400 objects. These objects are added to the future install program.

The option is only visible for AS/400 variants.


Add directory

This option opens a Windows system dialog box that lets you select one directory, all the files of which are to be added to the installation program being created.



This option deletes the selected files from the installation.



This option opens a dialog box that lets you specify a subdirectory into which the file will be copied.



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