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To start Adelia ILE debugger for the program entered as a parameter, enter the "HA#STRIDBG" command on any command line, then press F4.


Warning: Debug mode will remain active until it is disabled using the "HA#ENDIDBG" command.



Function keys

Refer to the relevant IBM guide for more details.


Data entry


Name of the program to be debugged.



Name of the library containing the program to be debugged.

If *LIBL is specified here, the system will search through all the libraries in the library list until it finds the first one containing the program.


UPD production files

Used to specify whether the database files in a production library can be opened in order to update them or add records while the job is in Debug mode. If this option is set to "N", you will need to copy the files to a test library before running programs that use them.

Possible values:


Database files in production libraries can be updated while the job is in Debug mode.


Database files in production libraries cannot be updated while working in Debug mode. This option prevents database files being updated accidentally while debugging a program. They can still be opened, but in read-only mode.

Important: Any production libraries already open when debugging begins will not be protected.


Run program

Specifies whether the program being debugged is to be run when the user presses F12 in a module's debug screen.



If the option "Run program" is set to "Y", you can enter a list of values for up to ten parameters. These parameters will be sent to the program when it is run.


This command displays the debug screen for the entry procedure module of the program being debugged.


Important: This command cannot be used in Debug mode. Use the HA#ENDIDBG command to stop working in Debug mode.


+ for more values

You can enter up to ten parameter values when a program being debugged is called.

If you want more entry fields, enter a "+" sign in this field and press Enter.


Click below for further information about the HA#ENDIDBG command.

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