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This window is used to specify which information (entities or access) is to be imported into the LDM.


Context-sensitive menu options


Context-sensitive user menu

This option selects or deselects the user and any objects belonging to him.


Context-sensitive entity menu

This option selects or deselects the entity and its accesses.


Import as logical entity

This option imports the definition of the file or SQL table into Adelia's Logical Data Model.


Note: With AS/400 files, if one or more file fields use REFFLD to refer to a field in an IBM directory, and there is a conceptual property with the same definition and the same short name, a link between the logical property and the conceptual property will be created automatically.


Import as directory for conceptual properties

This option imports the file field definition into Adelia's Conceptual Data Model as a dictionary of conceptual properties.


Context-sensitive access menu

This option selects or deselects the access.


Carries keys

This option marks the access as bearing the entity's keys. This access will be used to retrieve the keys during the import procedure.



This option imports the definition of the access into Adelia's Logical Data Model.


Import keys

This option uses the access definition to retrieve the entity's keys.

This action is only possible where the access already exists in the Logical Data Model, under the same name.


Radio buttons

Processing accesses/logical files

Do not import accesses

No accesses (even if selected) will be imported.

Import accesses into entity's schema

Only accesses with the same owner as the table will be imported.

Import all accesses

All the accesses will be imported.


Check boxes

Private entities


The entities will be imported as private entities in the application area selected.

Not checked

The entities will be imported as public entities attached to the application area selected.


Data entry

Entity filter

Filter used to restrict the number of entities displayed.




This button stops the process.



This button returns you to the source database selection window.



This button imports the selected elements.



This button cancels the operation and terminates the program.

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