Alphanumeric expression
AlphaExpression |
AlphaVarId | NumVarId | AlphaConstant | AlphaReservedWord | NumReservedWord | AlphaResUserFunction | AlphaExpression ConcatOperator AlphaExpression |
AlphaResUserFunction |
User function returning an alphanumeric result. |
ConcatOperator |
Numeric expression
NumExpression |
NumVarId | NumConstant | NumReservedWord | NumResUserFunction | NumExpression ArithmOperator NumExpression | (NumExpression ArithmOperator NumExpression) |
NumResUserFunction |
User function returning a numeric result. |
ArithmOperator |
Arithmetic operator +, -, * or / |
Boolean expression
BoolExpression |
BoolExpression BoolLinkOperator BoolExpression | (BoolExpression) | NOT BoolExpression | PartBooleanExpression | TypedBoolExpression |
BoolLinkOperator |
PartBoolExpression |
TypedBoolExpression |
TypedElt ComparisonOperator TypedElt | SimpleTypedElt BETWEEN SimpleTypedElt;simpleTypedElt | SimpleTypedElt START_WITH SimpleTypedElt | SimpleTypedElt CONTAINS SimpleTypedElt | SimpleTypedElt = SimpleTypedEltSeries | SimpleTypedElt <> SimpleTypedEltSeries where all typedElt, simpleTypedElt or SimpleTypedEltSeries operands are the same type (alphanumeric, numeric, date, time, timestamp, pointer). Only "=" and "<>" operators can be used for the pointer type. START_WITH and CONTAINS operators are only compatible with alphanumeric or numeric operands. |
TypedElt |
VarId | Constant | ReservedWord | PredefinedFunction |
SimpleTypedElt |
VarId | Constant | ReservedWord |
ComparisonOperator |
SimpleTypedEltSeries |
SimpleTypedElt;SimpleTypedElt | SimpleTypedElt;SimpleTypedEltSeries |
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