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To create a server cluster, select the Create option from the context-sensitive menu in the Server clusters tab in the Client configuration dialog box.

To modify a server cluster, you must either:

  • Select the Modify option from the context-sensitive menu in the Server clusters tab in the Client configuration dialog box.
    The cursor must be positioned over a server cluster name.

  • Double-click a server cluster name.

Data entry


Alias of the machine corresponding to the server cluster .


Remark associated with the server cluster.


Connection profile used to connect to the server cluster.

When the workstation connects to the server, this profile is automatically presented instead of the profile set for the physical server selected by the load balancer.

On the other hand, if the connection profile is left blank in this dialog box, the configuration specified for the physical server selected by the load balancer will be used.

The special value *SSO indicates that you wish to enable single sign-on (SSO). In this case all servers in the cluster must be configured to accept this authentication mode.


Password for the connection profile.

Balancing algorithm

Selects the load balancing algorithm that the load balancer will use when determining which physical server to use.

The following methods are supported:

Round Robin

The load balancer distributes connections sequentially to the various servers in the cluster.

By number of connections

The load balancer selects the server that is currently handling the fewest connections.


This list shows the servers selected in the cluster. Only standard servers can be assigned to a cluster. HTTP physical servers and physical servers that operate "via HTTP" are not permitted in cluster configurations.

The list shows the following details for each server:

    • The name of the selected physical server,
    • The group to which the server belongs (main or backup),
    • The server's relative weight in the server cluster.
      (For example, if the main group contains two servers (SRV1 with a weight of 3 and SRV2 with a weight of 2), the load balancer will tend to select server SRV1 3 times out of 5, and server SRV2 2 times out of 5).

You can edit any of the details by clicking on the corresponding cell. An input field or combo box is displayed.

To add a physical server, click on the Physical Server cell in the blank row at the bottom of the list.

A cluster is considered to be valid when at least one server has been defined in the main group.

It goes without saying that the servers must have compatible configurations (i.e. the same users/passwords and the same databases). Similarly, all the servers should ideally be the same type (C / Java / AS400), although this is not essential.



This button validates the information entered and closes the dialog box.


This button closes the dialog box without validating the information entered.

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