This page presents the general information pertaining to databases or to the application area level LDM.
Check box
This check box applies to all the sections in the dialog box.
Checked |
The value specified on the environment level is used for each affected field. The associated field is then shaded and cannot be modified. |
Data entry
Schema (SQL bases)
Name of schema used when PDM is generated for the PC SQL database (DB2 Windows, Oracle 7 or SQL Server), for public objects.
This name is also used by the Visual or Web generators to qualify the PC SQL table, when generating Adelia SQL instructions.
The checkbox located below this field enables you to complete input:
Extended syntax |
Lets you enter a schema name that does not observe the Adelia naming conventions (upper/lower case, spaces, special characters, etc.). It is selected and grayed out if the schema does not effectively observe these conventions. By default: box not checked. |
This button cancels the modifications made and restores the application to its previous state.
This button cancels the modifications made and restores the application to the state it had when the environment was created.
Note: A click on the icon situated on the upper left-hand corner of the dialog box closes the box (keyboard shortcut: Alt+F4). If modifications were made, a confirmation screen appears.
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