The RTR400 utility lets you retrieve:
on one hand, the translations of constants extracted from programs in a chosen target environment, using a dictionary hosted on an AS/400;
on the other hand, the translations of messages from the environment or a particular application area, using a message file (*MSGF IBM object) on the AS/400,
in a given language.
To run the AS/400 translation retrieval utility, execute the RTR400 command.
This dialog box lets you specify the translation type (dictionary or messages), the target environment and the AS/400 connection parameters.
Data entry
Target environment
Name of an environment catalogued on the machine, into which the translations of the extracted constants or messages will be automatically incorporated.
Mandatory field.
AS/400 containing the translations
The following fields are used to specify the connection parameters for the connection to the AS/400 containing the translation dictionary.
IP host name
IP address of the AS/400 on which the dictionary is located.
Mandatory field.
IP port
Number of the port to be selected for the connection.
Name of the profile used when establishing the connection to the AS/400.
Mandatory field.
Password for the connection profile.
Mandatory field.
Radio buttons
Lets you retrieve the translation of the dictionary's constants.
Lets you retrieve the translation of the messages.
Establishes the connection and displays the translation option input window.
Closes the dialog box and exits the application.
Click below for further information on how to:
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