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To display, create or modify a project's general characteristics, select the corresponding option from the project list context-sensitive menu.

Data entry

Project name

Project name.

Free-form entry, length limited to 128 characters.

Mandatory entry.

Project scope

Radio buttons

All programs

The project references all Adelia repository programs.

Application area programs

The project references all programs attached to the selected application area.

Programs assigned to the task

The project references all programs assigned to the selected task.

Programs assigned to the installation

The project references all programs assigned to the selected installation.

Programs assigned to the correction

The project references all programs assigned to the selected correction.

Build component programs

The project references all the selected build component programs.


Application areas

Used to select an application area.

This option is only available if the Application area programs radio button is selected.


Used to select a task.

This option is only available if the Programs assigned to the task radio button is selected.


Used to select an installation.

This option is only available if the Programs assigned to the installation radio button is selected.


Used to select a correction.

This option is only available if the Programs assigned to the correction radio button is selected.

Build components

Used to select a build component.

This option is only available if the Build component program radio button is selected.

Program types

Check boxes


These boxes are used to filter programs,by type, to which the rule is applied (AD_I: Adelia Interactive, etc.).


The rule is verified when analyzing programs of the corresponding type.

At least one of these options must be checked.

Note: If the plugin designer stipulates that a rule does not apply to a given program type, this behavior cannot be modified in the profile: the corresponding check box is unchecked / shaded.

Quality data

This section is used to assign a configuration profile to the project.

Data displayed

Information concerning the last project analysis (date, profile used, Adelia or SONAR analysis).


Quality profile

Select the quality profile to use during project analysis.

Two special values must be defined for the profile:

- <Default profile>

Quality profile in which only the "Adelia" profile is enabled and with all rules enabled with their default parameters.

- <Analyze with Sonar only>

If this option is selected, it will be impossible to analyze the project with Adelia tools. The analysis will be performed via the SONAR Adelia plugin, using the configuration of the selected SONAR profile.


Enter / Create / Modify (validation)

The Enter button (in display mode) closes the dialog box.

The Create or the Modify button (in modification mode) validates the modifications made.

The various details in the box are checked. If all are valid, the project definition is updated in the database before closing the dialog box; if not, an error message is displayed.


This button closes the dialog box without validating the choices made.

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