To modify a specific graph's printing parameters, you must either:
Click the Graph Parameters button of the Print "XXX" dialog box which is used to print a program.
Select the Setup option from the context-sensitive menu associated with the corresponding graph object in the Contents page of the Create/Modify a folder dialog box.
Radio buttons
Defines the graph's orientation on the printed page: portrait or landscape.
Defines whether the graph is printed in black and white or in color.
Print range
Defines the number of pages used to print the graph:
All pages |
All the pages in the work space are printed. |
Pages |
Only the pages indicated in the input fields are printed. Values available: - "n" Number of the page to be printed (one single page). - "nx-ny" Print from page nx to page ny included (e.g.: print from page 2 to page 6 included). - "nx;ny;nz" Print pages nx, ny and nz (e.g.: print pages 2, 6 and 8). |
Data entry
Reduction (%)
Indicates the reduction percentage applied to the printed graph.
Enter the percentage directly or scroll through the existing values using the arrow buttons.
Modify (validation)
This button validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.
This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
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