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To specify selection criteria in order to reduce the list of repository management rules to the sole rules complying with the selected criteria, select either:


The selection criteria are the following: visibility, exclusivity, type, class, search word.


Check boxes


Visibility criterion: public or private rules.

If both boxes are checked, or if none is, this criterion will be ignored.



Exclusivity criterion: exclusive or non-exclusive rules.

If both boxes are checked, or if none is, this criterion will be ignored.



Type criterion: formal or informal rules.

If both boxes are checked, or if none is, this criterion will be ignored.




List of all possible classes of management rules.

If no class is selected, or if all are, this criterion will be ignored.

Otherwise, the class of each management rule selected must be one of the selected classes.

Extended-selection list.


Search words

List of all the search words of the environment.

If no search word is selected, or if all are, this criterion will be ignored.

Otherwise, the management rules selected must be associated with at least one of the selected search words.

Extended-selection list.



Modify (validation)

This button validates the new selection criteria in order to apply them to the list of repository management rules.

The dialog box is then closed and the criteria saved this way will reinitialize the list of management rules.



This button closes the dialog box and ignores all the new selection criteria. The old criteria will thus remain the basis of the list of repository management rules, which will remain unchanged.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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