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To open the Object manager, double-click an object manager work session in the tree list of the Adelia Studio Session manager.


The Object manager is used to work with the various objects which will be used to form an application:

  • tasks,

  • programs,

  • functions,

  • management rules,

  • macro-instructions,

  • graphical objects,

  • logical servers,

  • error messages,

  • transaction templates,

  • program templates,

  • report templates,

  • reports,

  • RAD templates,

  • pages layouts,

  • resources,

  • classes.

The screen of the Object manager contains tabs allowing you to work with the above objects as well as a menu bar.


The Object manager's tabs


This tab is used to create, modify, copy or delete tasks.

You can also work with programs assigned to a selected task and build programs using the Question/Answer interface.



This tab is used to create, modify, copy or delete batch or interactive programs.

You can also work with tasks assigned to selected programs.

In addition, you can attach/detach programs to/from the current application area and display the application areas to which a given program is attached.

From this tab, you can call the 4GL Editor, as well as:

    • For interactive Adelia programs: the Screen sequencing graph.

    • For interactive Visual Adelia programs: the RAD wizard.

    • For batch Adelia and Visual Adelia programs: the dialog box which is used to work with batch programs.

This tab allows you to access the layout manager and to the graphical attribute automatic generation for the transactions of programs (ADELIA type, C generation).



This tab is used to create, modify or delete functions.

You can also attach/detach functions to/from the current application area and display the application areas to which a given function is attached.


Management rules

This tab is used to create, modify, copy or delete management rules.

It allows you to display the programs which use a management rule (potential and real use) or to display the objects to which a given management rule is attached.

You can also display a sublist of management rules.



This tab is used to create, modify or delete macro-instructions.

You can also attach/detach macro-instructions to/from the current application area and display the application areas to which a given macro-instruction is attached.

This tab allows you to access the 4GL Editor.


Graphical objects

This tab is used to create, modify or delete graphical objects.

For each graphical object you can display the programs that use it and the list of its associated logical properties.


Logical servers

This tab is used to create, modify or delete logical servers.

For each logical server you can display the programs that use it and assign it logical entities.


Error messages

This tab is used to create, modify or delete error messages.


Transaction templates

This tab is used to create, modify or delete transaction templates.

You can attach/detach transaction templates to/from the current application area, display the application areas to which a given transaction template is attached, and also obtain a list of the transactions that use it.

This tab allows you to access the Screen layout manager.


Program templates

This tab is used to create, modify or delete program templates.

You can also attach/detach program templates to/from the current application area, display the application areas to which a given program template is attached, and also obtain a list of the tasks or programs that use it.

This tab allows you to access the 4GL Editor and the Screen sequencing graph.


Report templates

This tab is used to create, modify or delete report templates.

You can also attach/detach report templates to/from the current application area, display the application areas to which a given report template is attached, and also obtain a list of the reports that use it.



This tab is used to create, modify or delete reports.

You can also attach/detach reports to/from the current application area, display the application areas to which a given report is attached, and also obtain a list of the programs to which it is assigned.

This tab allows you to access the layout manager.


RAD templates

This tab is used to create, modify or delete personalized RAD templates.

You can also attach/detach personalized RAD templates from the current application area and display the application areas to which a given RAD template is attached.

This tab allows you to access the 4GL Editor.


Page layouts

This tab is used to create, modify or delete page layouts.

You can also attach/detach page layouts to/from the current application area, display the application areas to which a given page layout is attached, and also obtain a list of the programs to which it is assigned.



This tab is used to create, modify or delete resources.

You can also attach/detach resources to/from the current application area, display the application areas to which a given resource is attached, and also obtain a list of the programs to which it is assigned.


For each of the above objects, there is an option that lets you print a description of the selected objects.

With correction environments, there is an additional option that lets you assign the selected objects to the default correction.


Web services

This tab is used to register, modify or delete Web services.

You can also attach/detach Web services to/from the current application area or display the application area to which a given Web service is attached.



This tab is used to create, modify, copy or delete classes.

In addition, you can attach/detach classes to/from the current application area and display the application areas to which a given class is attached.

From this tab, you can call the 4GL Editor.

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