To work with RAD templates in the current application area, choose the RAD templates tab in the Object manager.
List of the RAD templates classes.
Selecting a class causes to display only templates of this class in the list.
By default, "All" is selected: no class-display restriction.
List of the RAD templates with their name, type (BRT for Basic RAD Template, PRT pour Personalized RAD Template), description and class.
The sort sequence can be defined by clicking the column headers of the list.
Extended-selection list.
With correction environments, there may be a check mark in front of each graphical object name.
A red check mark shows that the graphical object is being held by the default correction.
A black check mark shows that the graphical object is being held by a correction other than the default correction.
Context-sensitive menus
The following options are accessible at all times via the context-sensitive menu.
In addition, there may be buttons to perform the same actions on the right-hand side of the window, depending on the settings in the Create/Modify a software engineer dialog box's Preferences tab.
Note: if a source code repository is configured for the environment or for the current user, the list is enriched with a graphic indication of the synchronization state, and the menu shows additional options.
Click here for more information about integrating the source code repository.
Create PRT
This option opens a dialog box which is used to create a personalized RAD template (PRT).
This option opens a dialog box which is used to display the general characteristics of a basic RAD template (basic RAD templates cannot be modified) or to modify a personalized RAD template.
This option is not active when no RAD template is selected in the list.
After confirmation, this option deletes the selected personalized RAD templates (basic RAD templates cannot be deleted).
When the deletion is validated, the list of RAD templates is updated accordingly.
This option is not active when no RAD template is selected in the list.
This option prints the description of the selected RAD templates.
The printing job is submitted to the Job manager.
This option is not active when no RAD template is selected in the list.
This option opens a dialog box which is used to attach one or several RAD templates of the repository to the current application area.
This option detaches the selected personalized RAD templates from the current application area.
This option is not active when no RAD template is selected in the list.
App. areas
This opens a dialog box displaying the application areas to which the selected RAD template is attached.
This is not active when no RAD template is selected in the list.
4GL Editor
This option gives access to the 4GL source Editor.
This option is not active when no RAD template is selected in the list.
The sources of basic RAD templates cannot be modified.
This opens a dialog box enabling the selected RAD templates to be held by the default correction.
This is only visible in correction environments.
It is only active when one or more RAD templates are selected in the list and the user has a default correction.
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