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To open the 4GL Editor, you must either:

  • Double-click on a 4GL work session in the tree list of the Adelia Studio Session manager.
    In this case, the Editor will be opened in a specified environment, but with no source.
  • Click on the 4GL Editor button (or select the context-sensitive menu option) in any of the following tabs or dialog boxes in the Object manager:
  • Click on the Detail button in the Analyze the use: Programs dialog box, if the selected property (or data type) belongs to a Visual Adelia or Adelia Web program.
  • Select the Open source option from the context-sensitive menu in the Individual comparison dialog box.
  • Select the Open source option from the context-sensitive menu in the Global comparison dialog box.
  • Select the 4GL Editor option in the SSG's Program menu.
  • Select the 4GL Editor option in the SSG's Program template menu.


The screen title will contain these elements (in order):

  • application name ("4GL editor"),

  • environment name,

  • application area name,

  • the name of the document in the active window, if shown in full page mode.


This screen comprises five sections:


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