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To analyze the use of a logical property in the programs, you must either:


Displayed data

Logical property

Name and description of the logical property to which the displayed programs refer.


Logical entity

Name and description of the logical entity from which the referenced logical property comes.


Radio buttons

Sort criteria

Click the corresponding radio button to display the list sorted by the program name, by the application area name or by the type.




List of the programs coming from the referenced property. For each program, the following information is displayed: the name, the description, the type (Adelia or Visual Adelia, interactive or batch) and the application area to which it is attached (empty in the case of a repository program).

Extended-selection list.


Note: The list only displays the programs whose layout contains the current logical property. SADELIA programs do not appear in the list as they have no layout.




For ADELIA programs or VADELIA batch programs (with reports of Adelia kind):

This button is used to access the Screen Layout Manager or Report Layout Manager, depending on the type of program selected (interactive or batch). An intermediate dialog box is displayed in order to select a program report or transaction.


For VADELIA interactive programs:

This button is used to access the 4GL Editor for the corresponding program.


For VADELIA batch programs (with reports of Crystal Reports kind):

this button is used to access the Crystal Reports Designer. A first intermediate dialog box is displayed in order to select a program report.


This button is not active when no program is selected in the list.



This button opens a dialog box which is used to specify which logical property modifications you wish to apply into the selected programs.

This button is not active when no program is selected in the list.



This button opens a dialog box which is used to select the generation language and platform for the selected programs.

This button is not active when no program is selected in the list.



This button opens a dialog box enabling the selected programs to be held by the default correction.

This button is only visible in correction environments.

It is only active if one or more programs are selected in the list and the user has a default correction.



This button closes the dialog box.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


Print list

This button prints all the programs in the list.

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