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Adelia Build

Attention :

Since 01/10/2021, the URL for accessing Adelia runtime artefacts has changed. The following URL must now be indicated: (instead of, and access to this URL is done without authentication.

This change of URL also concerns builds made with a version prior to PTF 05.
This concerns the definition of your proxy repository for the Hardis remote repository (see the prerequisites for the Application Area-Based Build and the Adelia Component-Based Build) and possibly the downloadArtifactsRepo or downloadArtifactsReleaseRepo keys in the "" files associated with your Adelia builds or your application construction builds (we do not recommend using the URL for accessing our artefacts directly in these keys).


AdeliaDoc is a tool for generating technical documentation associated with Adelia programs based on the analysis of 4GL sources and the use of program description information from the object manager.

The produced documentation is standardized and describes the programs, public procedures and call parameters for each of these entities.

A set of specific annotations in the form of comments to add to the 4GL source enables developers to customize the content of the generated documentation.

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Single Sign-On - Kerberos

Adelia SSO allows direct authentication in the middleware of a Windows user logged in to a domain via Kerberos authentication in the Active Directory.

Adelia SSO provides the following features:

  • Transparent connection of a Windows client to a Windows, AS400 or Java middleware server using the Windows user's credentials (without profile/password configuration for the Middleware).
  • Transparent connection via a Web browser supporting SSO (SPNEGO) to an Adelia Cloud application, with delegation of credentials to the Adelia Middleware if possible.
  • With the Windows daemon, the MWSERVER.EXE process can be started with the client profile credentials.

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  • XML_SET_VAL : *CDATA parameter supported for ADELIA-type programs.
  • CONV_DATA : JSON(*DIGIT_NAME) source format added to support JSON nodes with names beginning with a number.
    Note: for this feature to be supported in AS/400, the AS/400 part of Adelia Studio 14 must have PTF F006 installed
  • Adelia class: The name of the produced POJO file can now contain lowercase letters.
  • Verification/Quality manager: A warning is displayed if a local field hides a global list field. This is also handled as a major violation by the quality manager.

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REST Web Services

  • SAML authentication supported in Adelia Studio REST APIs.
  • The JWT token can be revoked by calling a Web API.
  • LOG4J: The com.hardis.adelia.webservice.RSJwtAuthenticationFilter logger with the DEBUG level logs the token's roles and the roles required by the resource to help with diagnostics.

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  • ADELJOB utility: SQL or generic scripts can now be generated from the GENMPD option.
  • SQL Server PDM: The table generator now uses varchar(max), nvarchar(max) and nvarbinary(max) types to replace text, ntext and image types.
  • Oracle 12+ PDM: Generation of auto-incremented columns with the GENERATED BY DEFAULT ON NULL option instead of GENERATED BY DEFAULT to maximize compatibility with Oracle trigger implementation. 11.

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Miscellaneous Improvements

  • Visual/Web debugger
    • The debugger now supports REF_CLASS-type variables.
    • For IMAGE-type variables, the size of their content in bytes is displayed.
    • Improved display of array variables.

  • Translation Manager: In the constant extraction box, the batch program type now indicates if they have an Adelia or Crystal Reports report.

  • Access manager in an environment: For a non-administrator software engineer, Client and Session criteria can now be modified to enable the user to view all their access rights in the environment, on all machines.

  • 4GL Editor
    • In the editor presentation options, for language elements, you can now, in addition to their color, choose their style (bold, italics, underscore, strikethrough) for "Courier New", "Consolas", "Courier", "FixedSys" and "Lucida Sans Typewriter" fonts.
    • A display zoom has been added for 4GL sources and Visual Adelia layouts.

  • Unit Tests: You can now indicate just test program names using adeliaPgmxx (from 01 to 99) elements in addition to or instead of adeliaTaskxx elements in the build.gradle file.

  • LOG4C:

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