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This menu is used to modify the presentation characteristics of the source in the active window.


This option is used to indent the source, according to the selected criterion:


Indents the selected text in the active document.

This option will only be valid if a block of text has been selected in the document in the active window.

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+I.


Indents the entire text in the document in the active window.

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+ Shift +S.

The other indent characteristics are defined in the Indents tab in the Editor Options dialog box.

Increase indent

This option shifts the selected source x spaces to the right, where x is the size of a tabulation.

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl++.

Decrease indent

This option shifts the selected source x spaces to the left, where x is the size of a tabulation.

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+-.

Change to remark

This option lets you convert all the selected elements to remarks by inserting the * marker at the start of each line.

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+*.

Cancel remark

This option lets you convert all the selected elements to normal text by deleting the * marker at the start of each line.

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+/.

Toggle case

This option swaps the case of the selected items (all upper-case or all lower-case), based on the case of the first character in the selection.

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift Lock.

Toggle code case

This option toggles the source code case in the selection (in upper or lower case, maintaining the case of comments, text constants and EBCDIC special characters), based on the case of the first character of a code element in the selection.

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+Caps Lock.

Change automatic case

This option enables or disables automatic case (when entering 4GL instructions and Adelia language elements in upper case).

Automatic case enabling can be configured in the Source formatting box in the 4GL editor options.

The automatic case status is indicated in the editor status bar (aA).

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+ U.


This option opens a dialog box that lets you customize the 4GL Editor's presentation characteristics.

The options relating to remarks and to the text's indentation and case are also included in the editor's tool bar.

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