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To display, create or modify the characteristics of a control break in a report, you must either:

Note: This is only valid with batch ADELIA programs.


Data entry


Name of the break.

The system will assign a default name (CTLBRK followed by a number); you can change this name if necessary.

It must be no longer than 15 characters.

This field is protected when in modification mode.

In creation mode this field is compulsory.




This field is used to see the view currently associated with the break.

If you click on the arrow  button to the right of the field a dialog box will be opened that lets you select a view for the program.

When a new view is set, the view's file will automatically be selected as the break field file, and the file field list will be updated. The file name will be shown in the "File" field.

If any fields were already selected, they will be retained, provided they are present in the new file. If this is not the case, they will be deleted.


Control break field

List of all the file fields already associated with the break.

This list can contain from 1 to 12 fields, arranged in order of selection.

The order  of the fields in the list can be changed.

Single selection list.


File field

List of all the file fields not yet associated with the break.

The order  of the fields in the list can be changed.

This list will be empty if the "View" field is blank.

Single selection list.




Access to the file glossary.



This button adds the selected file field to the break's field list.

It is only active if a field has been selected from the file field list.



This button deletes the file fields associated with the break from the break field list.

It is only active if a field has been selected from the break field list.



This button clears the break field list. All the break fields will be erased.

The button will be disabled while the break field list is empty.


Enter/Create/Modify (Validation)

The Enter button (in display mode) closes the dialog box.

The Create (in creation mode) and Modify buttons (in modification mode) validate the dialog box.

However, the update will only be effectively implemented when the Work with breaks dialog box is validated.



Closes the dialog box without validating the choices made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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