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French version



To display the format corresponding to a logical property or to select one or more additional formats, you must either:


Displayed data

Logical property

Guide word of the logical current property.



Selected (formats)

List of the current transaction's or current report's formats, in which the logical property appears.

To remove the property from one format in the list, select the format then click the Remove button.

The selected format is transferred from the list of selected formats to the list of available formats.

Extended-selection list.


Available (formats)

List of the current transaction's or current report's formats which can be selected in order to place the logical property.

To indicate that the logical property should appear on one of the formats in the list, select a format then click the Add button. The format chosen is transferred from the list of available formats to the list of selected formats.

Extended-selection list.




This button adds the format selected in the list of available formats to the list of selected formats. It will then be possible to place the logical property on the selected format.

This button is not active when no format is selected in the list of available formats.



This button removes the format from the list of selected formats. It is then no longer possible to place the logical property on the selected format.

This button is not active when no format is selected in the list of selected formats.


Modify (validation)

This button validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.



This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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