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Depending on the call context, this page displays:

Important note: When called from the logical level, this page displays only the SFLEND type information in the ADELIA programs section.

Default for help


Help is generated in HLP format.


Help is generated in the form of a CHM file.


Help is generated in the form of HTML files.

Default for VADELIA program client programs

Used to define the default 3GL for the client platforms of Visual Adelia programs.


Check boxes

Java platforms - Interactive - Client

Checked Interactive Visual Adelia programs will be generated in Java client.
Not checked Interactive Visual Adelia programs will not be generated in Java client.

Java platforms - Interactive - Cloud

Checked Interactive Visual Adelia programs will be generated in Cloud.
Not checked Interactive Visual Adelia programs will not be generated in Cloud.

Java platforms - Batch - Client

Checked Batch Adelia programs will be generated in Java client.
Not checked Batch Adelia programs will not be generated in Java client.

Java platforms - Batch - Cloud

Checked Batch Adelia programs will be generated in Cloud.
Not checked Batch Adelia programs will not be generated in Cloud.

Java platforms - Batch - Event

Checked Batch Adelia programs will be generated in Event.
Not checked Batch Adelia programs will not be generated in Event.

Java platforms - Batch - Web

Checked Batch Adelia programs will be generated in Web.
Not checked Batch Adelia programs will not be generated in Web.

Default for WADELIA programs

Check boxes

Connection conservation

Checked Adelia Web programs will be generated in "connection conservation" mode.
Not checked Adelia Web programs will not be generated in "connection conservation" mode

This choice is used as a standard in the program's definition.

Browser Previous / Next buttons support

Checked Interactive WADELIA programs will be generated with the browser Previous / Next buttons support.
Not checked Interactive WADELIA programs will be generated without the browser Previous / Next buttons support.

This choice is used as a standard in the program's definition.


Default for SADELIA programs

Used to define the default 3GL for Visual Adelia server programs: Windows (C), AS/400 (RPG), Java (Java).


Checked Adelia Server programs will be generated in C (Windows).
Not checked Adelia Server programs will not be generated in C (Windows).


Checked Adelia Server programs will be generated in RPG.
Not checked Adelia Server programs will not be generated in RPG.


Checked Les programmes Serveur Adélia seront générés C (Windows Mobile).
Not checked Adelia Server programs will not be generated in C (Windows Mobile).


Checked Adelia Server programs will be generated in Java.
Not checked Adelia Server programs will not be generated in Java.

Default - Cloud generation

Used to define certain default options for generating the Cloud client platform.

Check boxes

Entry point


The generated program is an application entry point.

Not checked

The generated program is not an application entry point so can only be run from another program.

Default: Not checked.

Data entry


Name of security realm which the generated programs are associated with by default.

Default - Adelia CLASS objects

Used to define the default target generation platforms for Adelia classes.

Check boxes



Adelia classes are generated in Cloud to make them accessible by the Visual Adelia programs generated in Cloud which use them.

Not checked

Adelia classes are not generated in Cloud.



Adelia classes are generated in Web to make them accessible by the Visual Adelia Batch programs generated as a web service which use them.

Not checked

Adelia classes are not generated in Web.



Adelia classes are generated to make them accessible by the SADELIA-type programs generated in Java which use them.

Not checked

Adelia classes are not generated for the Java server.


Checked Adelia classes are generated in Event, to make them accessible by the Event Adelia and batch Visual Adelia programs generated in Event which use them.
Not checked Adelia classes are not generated in Event.

ADELIA programs

Check boxes

Generation type

Types of generation available for the environment: AS/400 (RPG code) or Windows (C code).

Convert L, T, Z fields


L, T and Z file fields will be converted during the generation procedure.

Generation jobs are submitted with the CVTOPT (*DATETIME) parameter.

The fields corresponding to DATE, TIME and TIMESTAMP data types in the database will be declared as "character" fields with a set length.

Not checked

L, T and Z file fields will not be converted during the generation procedure.

Default: Not checked.

Assign by EVAL


Alphanumeric assignments will be generated in EVAL (RPG generation).

The alphanumeric assignment of variable A in variable B (B=A) will totally replace the value of B, even if A is not as long as B.

In addition, with alphanumeric assignments, if the resulting field is not large enough to contain the result, an error will be returned during processing.

Not checked

Assignments will be generated in the usual way.

Simple alpha assignments will not reset the destination variable.

With alphanumeric assignments, the right-hand part of the result is truncated if the resulting variable is not long enough.

Default: Checked

Generate real file name


The file's real name will be used during the generation procedure.

Not checked

The RPG name, defined in the Modify the characteristics of a file dialog box, will be used during the generation procedure.

Default: Checked

Radio buttons


Indicates the continuation marker used for a subfile:



This value will be used as a default for all the programs in the environment or in the application area (depending on the call context).



This button cancels the modifications made and restores the application to its previous state.


This button cancels the modifications made and restores the application to the state it had when the environment was created.

Note: A double click on the icon situated on the upper left-hand corner of the dialog box closes the box (keyboard shortcut: Alt+F4). If modifications were made, a confirmation screen appears.

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