To display, create or modify the general characteristics of a program in the current application area, you must either:
Click the corresponding button of the dialog box used to assign programs to a task.
Select the corresponding option from the context-sensitive menu (or the equivalent button) in the Programs tab of the Object manager.
Select the General characteristics option from the Program menu of the 4GL Editor (modification mode only).
Select the corresponding option from the context-sensitive menu in the Repository - Programs dialog box in the 4GL Editor.
Data entry
Name of the program.
This name must be a valid program name (as defined by IBM), unique in the environment.
Length: 15 characters maximum.
Mandatory entry.
Description clearly identifying the program.
Length: 250 characters maximum.
If, in the environment's attributes the "Size 50 exceeded warning" option for AS/400 object description has been activated, then the text turns red when the description exceeds 50 characters.
Mandatory entry.
Layout code / Object file name / Class object name
The "Layout code" relates to ADELIA programs, the "Object file name" concerns VADELIA and SADELIA programs, and "Class object name" relates to WADELIA programs.
This name must be unique within the environment among the report layout codes, ADELIA program layout codes, the object file names for VADELIA and SADELIA programs, and the class object names for WADELIA programs.
Length: 6 characters maximum.
Mandatory entry.
IBM program name
This name must be a valid IBM program name (as defined by IBM), unique in the environment.
It must be no more than 10 characters long for ADELIA programs.
It must be no more than 80 characters long for free programs, when the program is assigned to an SRVPGM task with prototype; otherwise the length cannot exceed 10 characters.
If this name is not specified and the source type is ADELIA, the layout code is retained here and used as the IBM program name.
If the source type is not ADELIA, the first 10 characters of the program name are retained as IBM program name.
Mandatory entry.
This field is only active for ADELIA programs.
Click here for more information on SRVPGM tasks.
JSP object name
Name of the JSP file produced by the Adelia Web program.
Length: 80 characters maximum.
If this name is not specified, the class object name is retrieved here and used as the JSP name.
This field is only active for WADELIA programs.
Build component
Name of the build component with which the program is associated.
You can select the component by clicking the button to the right of the field. A sub-menu displays, and lets you select one of the following options:
- None: Releases the program from its build component, after confirmation.
- List of the user's favourite components defined in the build component manager (only the components that can be modified by the user are displayed): Associates the program with the build component selected in the list.
- Other: Opens a dialog box that lets you select a build component among the components that can be modified by the user. The selected program will then be associated with the selected component.
Radio buttons
The visibility of a program can be either public or private. Only the owner of the program, or a software engineer with modification authorities, can change the visibility.
A public program cannot be changed into a private program if it is attached to more than one application area.
An Adelia batch program must have the same visibility as all its reports.
In creation mode, the visibility is by default set to private.
Program type
Click the radio button corresponding to the type of program to be created: Interactive or Batch.
These buttons are dimmed and not active:
if the corresponding source was specified,
with ADELIA, VADELIA or WADELIA batch programs:
- when the current report was created (whether it is assigned or not to the program),
- when a report was assigned to the program,
in the Work with a batch program dialog box.
Note: With Adelia server programs (SADELIA), the Batch radio button is automatically checked and cannot be modified. Indeed, an Adelia Server program is always a batch program.
The current report is created and assigned automatically to the creation of a WADELIA batch program.
Source type
Source type of the program.
Length: 10 characters maximum.
Values available:
Adelia programs. |
Server Adelia programs. |
Visual Adelia programs. |
Adelia Web programs. |
Event Adelia program. |
Other |
You can specify any other types of source (for example: RPG, CLP, etc.). |
Mandatory entry.
This list is dimmed and not active:
if the corresponding source was specified,
with ADELIA, VADELIA or WADELIA batch programs:
- when the current report was created (whether it is assigned or not to the program),
- when a report was assigned to the program,
in the Work with a batch program dialog box.
Program template
The list box displays the program templates attached to the current application area.
However, only the program templates having the same type (interactive or batch) as the program, and attached to all the application areas of the program, will be validated.
Default: "None".
This list is only active for ADELIA programs.
Page layout
The list box displays the page layouts attached to the current application area.
Default: "None".
This list is only visible for WADELIA interactive programs.
Specify how the data flow and the Level 2 will be generated.
Values available:
Native access
SQL access
Default: standard choice made in the environment attributes.
This option is available for VADELIA and WADELIA programs only.
Click here for further details on the data flow and Level 2 generation.
Management rules
Specify how the management rules will be processed during the Level 2 generation.
Default: standard choice made in the environment attributes.
This option is not available for SADELIA programs.
Click here for further details on:
Check boxes
Connection conservation
Indicates how Middleware connections are processed for server parts.
Checked |
Specifies that the program will be generated in "connection conservation" mode. This means that Middleware connections are assigned exclusively to each Web session. When the Web session is created (i.e. when the first WADELIA program of the Web session is run with connection conservation), a Middleware session is requested from the middleware session preparer. This will be conserved by the Web session until the Web session becomes invalid or the FREE_SESSION order is used. |
Unchecked |
In non-connection conservation mode, the Middleware connections are managed by a pool. They are shared by all the Web application's Web sessions. Each time a WADELIA program is called (without connection conservation), a Middleware session is requested from the Middleware session pool, and this session is returned to the pool when the program stops being executed (following a PROCESS, PROCESS_PGM, PROCESS_URL, TERMINATE instruction or end of event management paragraph). |
This option is only available with WADELIA type programs.
Browser Previous / Next button support
Indicates the program's behavior when the user clicks on the browser's Previous and Next buttons.
Checked |
Specifies that the program supports the browser's Previous and Next buttons. This means that the user can cancel the last action by clicking on the Previous button and redo the last action canceled by clicking on the Next button. |
Unchecked |
Specifies that the program does not support the browser's Previous and Next buttons. This means that the user cannot cancel the last action carried out (clicking on the Previous button has no effect). The Next button is disabled at all times. |
By default: selection made in the environment attributes as standard.
This option is only available for Interactive WADELIA-type programs.
Formal parameters
This button opens a dialog box which is used to display, create or modify the formal parameters of the current program.
Mobile characteristics
This button opens a dialog box that lets you specify the graphics characteristics of the current program's target platform.
This button opens a dialog box displaying the list of management rules assigned to the program, as well as the list of available management rules which can be assigned to the program.
This button opens a dialog box displaying the list of management rules assigned to the program, in order to resequence this list by modifying the sequence numbers of the listed management rules.
This button is not active in display mode.
This button opens a dialog box displaying the list of management rules assigned to the program in order to select the management rules which will actually be used.
This button is not active in display mode.
This button opens a dialog box displaying information on the current program, such as the name of the software engineer-owner, the dates and times of creation and modification.
Opens a dialog box that lets you view or define the program's version number.
This button opens a dialog box for entering a comment text which will be associated with the current program.
Enter/Create/Modify (validation)
The Enter button (in display mode) closes the dialog box.
The Create button (in creation mode) or Modify button (in modification mode) validates the dialog box.
The various fields of the dialog box are verified. If all are valid, the program definition is updated in the database before the box is closed; otherwise, an error message is displayed.
This button closes the dialog box without validating the choices made.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
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