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The purpose of the session preparer is to prepare a certain number of Middleware sessions in advance and thus provide ready-initialized middleware sessions (connection to physical servers has already been made). This gets rid of the wait corresponding to the time taken to establish the middleware connection.

Middleware sessions are initialized with all the connections to the physical servers associated with logical servers in the MWCLIENT.ini file with which they work.


WADELIA programs with connection conservation use the session preparer to retrieve their middleware session (a Middleware session is assigned for each end-user (web session)).


The WADELIA programs are configured for use with the session preparer by default (this configuration can be altered). Nonetheless, if the name of a session preparer is specified for the "AdeliaKeySessionPrepName" key in the Web session implicit object, then this specific session preparer will be used.


The middleware session is assigned for the Web session when the first call is made from a WADELIA program with connection conservation. Thus, if you want to work with a particular session preparer, you should complete the "AdeliaKeySessionPrepName" key before this first call, either by a non Adelia JSP or by a WADELIA program without connection conservation, using for example SET_CTX 'Session' 'AdeliaKeySessionPrepName' 'SessionPrepXX' instruction.



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