To make the search of a function easier, the alphabetical search is based on the first letter following the Va prefix. For example, if you wish to find the VaSetHtmlInfos function, click the S letter.
This function is used to add a file or series of files to the attached files list.
This function is used to clear the list of files attached to an e-mail message.
This function is used to retrieve the settings specified by the VaSetCRManagement function.
This function is used to find out whether or not the display of the progress window is enabled when generating a Crystal Reports report.
This function is used to get the current values of the options linked to export in Excel format.
This function is used to retrieve the settings specified by the VaSetExportInfos function.
This function is used to retrieve the settings specified by the VaSetHtmlInfos function.
This function is used to retrieve the replacement title of the current print job set using the VaSetJobTitle function.
This function is used to retrieve the settings specified by the VaSetMailInfos function.
This function is used to retrieve the settings specified by the VaSetMailWithExportFilesAttachment function.
This function is used to retrieve the active value of the report's name to be opened the next time a Crystal Reports report is implicitly or explicitly opened.
This function is used to know the number of pages in a Crystal Reports report.
This function is used to retrieve an e-mail message's transmission options.
This function is used to retrieve the password used by the current Vim Lotus Notes session.
This function is used to retrieve the settings specified by the VaSetXmlInfos function.
This function is used to retrieve the status of the dynamic management of the database structure used to load a Crystal Reports report.
Preview - G
This function is used to retrieve the available export formats from the preview window.
This function is used to know whether the display mode of the preview window has an edge.
This function is used to know whether the display mode of the preview window has a border.
This function is used to know the initial visibility of the section of the tree structure that contains details of the various groups in the previewed report.
This function is used to know whether the status bar is visible or not.
This function is used to know the visibility of the tabs that let you navigate between the various views in the preview window.
This function is used to know the initial visibility of the toolbar.
This function is used to know the visibility of the animated "data loading" object in the preview window.
This function is used to know the visibility of the Close view button in the toolbar.
This function is used to know whether or not the creation of display views for groups is enabled.
This function is used to know the visibility of the Export report button in the toolbar.
This function is used to know whether or not the display of the left panel (tree list of the groups used in the previewed report) is enabled.
This function is used to know the visibility of the Help button in the toolbar.
This function is used to know the visibility of the navigation buttons in the toolbar.
This function is used to know whether or not the context-sensitive menu in the preview window is enabled.
This function is used to know the visibility of the Print report button in the toolbar.
This function is used to retrieve the visibility of the progression object in the preview window.
This function is used to know the visibility of the Update button in the toolbar.
This function is used to know the visibility of the Find button in the toolbar.
This function is used to know the visibility of the Search Expert in the toolbar.
This function is used to know the visibility of the Selection Expert in the toolbar.
This function is used to know the visibility of the Stop loading button in the toolbar.
This function is used to know whether or not the toolbar display of the preview window is enabled.
This function is used to know whether display of the tool tips is enabled or not.
This function is used to know the visibility of the zoom object in the toolbar.
This function is used to know whether or not the hyperlinks are enabled.
This function is used to know how the window for previewing a Crystal Reports report was closed.
This function is used to know whether or not the toolbar button that is used to go straight to the different pages in the report is visible.
This function is used to know whether or not the toolbar button managing display of the parameter panel is visible.
Preview - R
This function is used to set all the properties to their default value.
Preview - S
This function is used to set the available export formats in the preview window.
This function is used to display the preview window with or without an edge.
This function is used to display the preview window with or without a border.
This function is used to set the initial visibility for the tree structure that contains details of the various groups in the previewed report.
This function is used to hide or display the status bar.
This function is used to set the initial visibility of the tabs that let you navigate between the various views in the preview window.
This function is used to set the initial visibility of the toolbar.
This function is used to set the visibility of the animated "data loading" object in the preview window.
This function is used to set the visibility of the Close view button in the toolbar.
This function is used to enable or not the creation of views for groups.
This function is used to set the visibility of the Export report button in the toolbar.
This function is used to enable or not the display of the left panel (tree list) that contains the details for the groups.
This function is used to set the visibility of the Help button in the toolbar.
This function is used to set the visibility of the navigation buttons in the toolbar.
This function is used to enable or not the context-sensitive menu in the preview window.
This function is used to set the visibility of the Print report button in the toolbar.
This function is used to set the visibility of the progression object in the preview window.
This function is used to set the visibility of the Update button in the toolbar.
This function is used to set the visibility of the Find button in the toolbar.
This function is used to set the visibility of the Search Expert button in the toolbar.
This function is used to set the visibility of the Selection Expert button in the toolbar.
This function is used to set the visibility of the Stop loading in the toolbar.
This function is used to set whether or not the toolbar is to be displayed in the preview window.
This function is used to enable or disable display of tool tips.
This function is used to set the visibility of the zoom object in the toolbar.
This function is used to enable or not the hyperlinks in the preview window.
This function is used to set the initial size and position of the preview window.
This function is used to show or hide the toolbar button that is used to go straight to the different pages in the report.
This function is used to show or hide the toolbar button that is used to display the parameter panel.
This function is used to set the text in the preview window title bar.
This function is used to set the initial zoom factor value [25, 400].
This function is used to send an e-mail message via the VIM Notes protocol.
This function is used to specify that you want a specific behavior, and lets you set the e-mail transmission protocol and export type.
This function is used to enable or disable the progress window's display when generating a Crystal Reports report.
This function is used to enable/disable dynamic management of the database structure used to load a Crystal Reports report.
This function is used to set the current values of the options linked to export in Excel format.
This function is used to specify the settings for exports.
This function is used to specify the settings for HTML exports.
This function is used to define a different title for the print job.
This function is used to specify the settings for sending e-mail messages.
This function is used when sending an e-mail message following an export procedure; the function specifies whether the files resulting from the export procedure are to be attached to the message.
This function indicates the name and location of the report to be opened the next time a Crystal Reports report is implicitly or explicitly opened.
This function is used to set an e-mail message's transmission options.
This function is used to set the Vim Lotus Notes session's password.
This function is used to specify the settings for XML exports.
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