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To assign resources to a program, click on the resource management icon  in the Dreamweaver® layout manager opened from a page in a WADELIA program.


The dialog box displays the list of resources assigned to the program, along with the list of resources that can be assigned to it.

If the software engineer does not have modification authorities, they will only be able to view the list of assigned resources, without access to the action buttons; the list of available resources will thus be empty.



Assigned (resources)

List of all the resources assigned to the selected program.

The resources assigned to the current application area are indicated with an asterisk (*) in the column following the Name column.

Extended-selection list.



List of all the resources available in the current application area, and which can be assigned to the program.

A filter located above the list can be used to limit the resources displayed.

Extended-selection list.




This button transfers the selected resources from the list of available resources to the list of assigned resources.

This button is not active when no resource is selected in the list of available resources.



This button moves the selected resources from the list of assigned resources to the list of available resources.

This button is not active when no resource is selected in the list of assigned resources.



This button opens a dialog box which is used to create a resource.

The resources thus created are added to the list of assigned resources so that they are assigned to the program when the box is validated (unless they are previously de-assigned).



This button opens a dialog box which is used to display or modify the general characteristics of the selected resource.

This button is not active when no resource is selected in the list of assigned resources.



This button opens a message box which is used to confirm the final deletion of the selected resources.

When the deletion is validated, the list of resources is updated accordingly.

This button is not active when no resource is selected in the list of assigned resources.



Attaches, to the current application area, a resource assigned to the program but not attached to the current application area (these are not indicated by an asterisk "*" in the column following the Name column).


App. areas

Opens a dialog box displaying the various application areas to which the selected resource is attached.

This option will only be active if one or more resources have been selected from the list.



The Enter button (in display mode) closes the dialog box.

The Modify button (in modification mode) validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.

The programs thus created or moved from one list to another are actually assigned or de-assigned in the database.



This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.



This button opens a dialog box that lets you attach one or more repository resources to the current application area.


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