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The setup menu lets you configure constant extraction and program generation in the translation languages.


To define the Translation manager's operating parameters, select the Configure option from the Constants menu in the Translation manager.

Description mask

Data entry

Description mask

Description masks are used to specify what characters are inserted between a constant and its variable. They must match those defined in the environment parameters of the source language program. They can differ between programs in the same environment. If masks are used they must be marked for exclusion from the constant extraction and translation procedure.

Description masks may vary according to the type of variable (i.e. input, input/output or output variable).

Adelia report

Data entry

Comment format

This field is used to specify the format of any comments in an Adelia report.

Any constants with the format specified here will not be extracted from Adelia reports.

Title line No.

This field is used to specify which line contains the title of the report for extraction.

You can either enter the value directly or else scroll through the existing values using the arrow keys until the right value is shown.

Check boxes

Center title

Used to specify whether the title must be centered relative to the width of the Adelia report when it is generated.


The title will be centered when the program is generated.

Not checked

The title will not be centered when the program is generated.

Adelia transaction

Data entry

Keywords (Options)

Keywords used to identify option-type constants.

If you enter several keywords, they must be separated with a space character.

Number of lines (Options)

Number of lines in the option bar (the first being the one containing the keywords).

You can either enter the value directly or else scroll through the existing values using the arrow keys until the right value is shown.

Title line No.

This field lets you specify the title position in the transaction for extraction.

You can enter the value directly or scroll through the existing values using the arrow keys until the right value is shown.

Check boxes

Centring (Options)

Used to specify whether the options must be centered when the constants are incorporated.


The options will be centered when the program is generated.

Not checked

The options will not be centered when the program is generated.

Center title

Used to specify whether the transaction titles must be centered when the constants are incorporated.


The title will be centered when the program is generated.

Not checked

The title will not be centered when the program is generated.

Function keys

Data entry

Line No

Used to specify the line on which the function keys begin.

You can either enter the value directly or else scroll through the existing values using the arrow keys until the right value is shown.

Nb of lines

Number of lines used to display a transaction's function keys, the first being the one specified above.

You can either enter the value directly or else scroll through the existing values using the arrow keys until the right value is shown.

Check boxes


Used to specify whether the function keys must be centered when the constants are incorporated.


The function keys will be centered when the program is generated.

Not checked

The function keys will not be centered when the program is generated.




Used to set the extension type for the various constant types (title, option, heading, function key and constant description).

Possible values:


Constant extends to the right.


Constant extends to the left.


Constant extends to both sides.


Constant cannot be extended.

Default: "Right".

Associated Windows language


Associated Windows language

The associated Windows language is the language specified in the Windows control panel (Regional settings), the first time the Translation manager is run. This language will be the one associated with the constants' source text. The languages created must have an associated language if they are to be maintained. You can change this language in the list box.

The associated Windows language only concerns Visual Adelia programs.

Adelia Web / Cloud


Associated language

The language is the one associated with the constants' source text when Adelia Web applications are generated.

Optional parameter.

Associated country

The country is the one associated with the constants' source text when Adelia Web or Adelia Cloud applications are generated.

Optional parameter.

Substitute language
Substitute language

The substitution language is that used during generation, when the translation of a constant (error message, help, etc.) does not exist in a language maintained: the translation in this replacement language will be used, if defined.

If it is not defined, the wording defined in the development language will be used.

When the Translation manager is first run, the default value is the development language, and the drop-down list is supplied with the languages defined in the Translation manager.


Pivot language
Pivot language

Selecting a pivot language allows you to add fields containing translations into this language to the constants, messages and comments translation windows and to the lists (see help for these windows for details of added fields).

This may be useful when translating into a new language and you want to systematically refer to an intermediate translation into a language other than the development language.


Extraction trace files directory

If the directory path is filled, every extraction generates in this directory a file named AdeliaTRD_nnnn-nn-nn_nnnnnn.txt that contains the new extracted constants which have been merged automatically with an existing constant.

In this file, the first column indicates the internal number of the constant concerned by the automatic merge; the second shows the name of the program containing the new constant; the third the constant text; and the fourth the comment (if any) for the constant concerned by the merge.




Validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.


Closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

Note: You can modify the extraction parameters according to the programs to be extracted.

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