The Adelia Studio translation manager lets you produce translations for Adelia generated programs (in RPG), Visual and Web generated programs.
This tool lets you:
compile a dictionary of constants based on Adelia sources, by extracting them;
compile a dictionary of the environment's error messages;
compile a dictionary of your Visual Adelia programs' help topics;
work with your translation languages;
work with your constants, messages and help topics and their various translations.
The Translation manager also includes other tools that let you find, print and reorganize constants.
In addition, it includes a decentralized translation tool that lets you first export constants and error messages to an Excel file, and then reimport into the Translation manager the changes made in the Excel files.
You actually generate the programs in all your working languages by checking the Multilingual generation box in the generation setup boxes of Adelia Studio.
The Translation manager's main window will open. It consists of a title bar, a menu bar and four tabs that let you work with the translations of your environment.
Important: To be able to open the Translation manager, the software engineer must have one of the following authorities:
*TRAN: Enables constant, message and help topic translation operations for the current environment, but not management operations (constant extraction/reorganization and language management operations).
*ADM_TRAN: Enables the use of all Translation manager functions (Manager administration authority).
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