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To display or modify a software engineer's authorities on a given application area, you must either:

: Only administrators can change the information in this dialog box.

Displayed data

Software engineer

Name of the current software engineer.

Application area

Name of the current application area.



Tree list of all the available authorities for the specified application area and software engineer.

There are two types of authority:

    • simple authorities that can be granted and removed,

    • authorities that can be granted in read and/or write mode.
      These authorities are preceded by the "+" or "-" symbol. Click on these symbols to expand or collapse a level and select the type of authority to be granted.

Check each object type whose authorities are to be granted to the software engineer when validating the window with the Modify button.

If the authority appears checked in blue, this means that the software engineer indirectly inherits the authority via a user role. In this case, it can still be assigned explicitly.

Extended-selection list.

Click here to see the authorities available.

Context-sensitive menu

Grant all authorities

Grants a software engineer full authorities for the selected application area.

Remove all authorities

Strips a software engineer of all authorities for the selected application area.

With correction environments, two sub-options let you grant or remove all authorities in read-only or write-only access.

NB: this option only removes authorities explicitly assigned to the user. The user retains the implicit authorities inherited from the roles assigned to them.


Modify (validation)

This button validates the selections made and grants the corresponding authorities to the current software engineer. Then the dialog box is closed.


This button closes the dialog box without modifying the authorities of the current software engineer.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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